Guest blog by Dori Rueger
When I found out that Town Theatre was going to be doing The Addams Family, I knew I had to audition! Creepy and kooky were two things right up my alley. I actually walked in to audition for Pugsley Addams. Yep, I wanted to be the Addams’ son. (I didn’t think I would actually get it, but I needed to try for me.) So, on January 17, 2016, I drove to Town Theatre for auditions. I was extremely nervous. I had some friends with me — Tassie Collins and Danny Niati — they were my rocks for this audition. They kept me calm and even helped me with the dance routine. (And — it is so cool that they are sharing this show with me on stage!) Finding out I was cast was an even bigger moment for me. I was actually seeing a show when I felt my phone buzz. I was so excited that I wanted to tell everyone, but since the cast list wasn’t posted, I had to wait. It was an excruciating few days to say the least. When I could share the news, I shouted it from the mountain top. I had people telling me how excited they were and how they all wanted to come and support me. It was an amazing feeling. My journey had started.
I rehearsed more than I ever had ever rehearsed before. It made me smile every time I saw the people with whom I was going to share the stage get more into their own characters. With every line dance and bunny hop, we moved closer to an amazing show. Even with all of this practice, I was still terrified. I hadn’t been in a production since I was in high school. Would I mess up or fall on my face? Would I forget where to stand or how to move? Opening night was fast approaching.
My heart was pounding as I waited for the crypt doors to open and make my way onto the stage. As I walked out, the lights were so bright! In a flash, the opening number was done. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. Not being on stage — not the rush of performing. That feeling that was lifting me up was the support I had received from my cast mates — their pats on the back, their nods of encouragement. The cast of this show truly has become a second family to me. Every person started as an individual, but has come together to make this show something of which we are all very proud.
I am proud to say that I am a part of such an amazing cast and crew. I am proud to have been given the opportunity to perform and to be seen. I am proud that people have put their trust in me and support me. I’m also proud to say that you… yes you… you need to follow your dreams. You need to get out there and do what makes you happy. You need to try new things. If it doesn’t work out the first time, don’t give up. No one should ever have to ask, “what if?”
So as we launch into our third week of shows, I can only tell you how much I am enjoying being an Addams. And I know you will enjoy seeing us too! Snap snap!